Our Telematic Gateway technology connects the truck to the workshop, providing live information about the trucks’ engine, mileage and fuel consumption. Technicians can also see diagnostic trouble codes and monitor the status of numerous components, like the brake pads, clutch, the battery and more.
Monitoring your truck this way reduces unplanned stops. It also means the workshop is fully prepared when you arrive, so you’re back on the road in the shortest possible time.
For large fleets or single trucks, delivering steady profitability to your business depends on continual performance improvement and solid durability.Intelligent Powertrain Management (IPM) anticipates terrain well ahead of the truck, adjusting to road conditions to maximize efficiencies. With new drivers joining the industry every year, it’s critical to ensure optimal truck and driver performance. With Freightliner's intuitive, automated manual transmission, drivers reach peak performance sooner, thanks to advanced DT12 features including their easier-to-operate, two-pedal configuration.At Freighliner and Volvo Truck Parts we offer all major truck parts ,we will also replace them for you for a very small fee.Our Body Shop is located on site .
To determine the Real Cost of Ownership for its on-highway trucks, Freightliner identifies five main contributing factors to maximizing profitability: fuel efficiency, connectivity, safety, quality and uptime. Slightly different factors, however, apply to efforts to maximize profitability for vocational trucks. These are productivity, upfit, safety, quality and uptime.