Volvo Trucks are  designed, tested, measured and manufactured  with attention to details. It’s a process carried out with passion and precision, and with quality management built in from beginning to end. It’s what creates the efficiency, uptime, safety and comfort you experience at the wheel of a Volvo truck. And what keeps it going, mile after mile.At Volvo and Freighliner Truck Parts we carry different truck parts for those 2 types of trucks .

        Under CSA (Compliance, Safety, Accountability),truck  drivers are held responsible for their equipment. For example, in "Table 5. CSMS Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Violations" (A-14) of "CARRIER SAFETY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM (CSMS) METHODOLOGY," any inoperative head lamp, tail lamp or turn signal carries a "Violation Severity Weight" of 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.But if you are allready broke down ,there is nothing to do that take some action and do repair .But if your repair requeres a part replacement at Freighliner and Volvo Truck Parts we are here to help you.We have body shop on site where we offer installations .Be safe on the road !


   We have a large inventory of a good qoality Freighliner Hoods.Whether you drive a truck or manage a fleet, knowing which semi truck parts provide the value is extremely benefitial .We offer only high qoality truck parts to our clients.We look at the value parts bring to our shop, not necessarily just the cost. Cost is a component of value. The value is getting the truck back on the road in a timely manner. This allows our customers  to remain productive.”Customer satisfaction is our first priority !